chapter 3 Not allowed in

by Nolen 16:39,Oct 31,2023
Finally, William returned to the community where he had been away for more than a year.
He met the familiar community security guard and property management staff.
There was also the auntie who was the lead dancer of the square dance.
He smiled and greeted everyone.
Everyone responded with smiles.
However, from their smiles, William felt obvious alienation and defensiveness.
He couldn't blame others.
At that time, the police came directly to his door and took him away.
Many people in the community saw it.
People's words are scary, and it would become more terrible when it was more spread.
Lighting a cigarette, William walked home with his head held high.
He decided not to think about all the messy things.
There is always a solution to a problem.
Not to mention that he was still in his early thirties. He was still young!
He believed that he would get back on track with his strength!
Looking at the residential building where his family lived, William felt complicated.
These lived all his good memories.
Every night with Emma.
Every happy day for every family of three.
But now.
His happiness was broken.
There was just anger and shame.
The woman he praised so much was in bed with another man not long ago.
The cell phone rang at this time.
It was Emma calling.
William stared at the phone dumbfounded.
Finally, he answered the phone.
A familiar voice came from the receiver.
"William, are you really released early?"
Emma's voice was full of surprise.
"I still don't believe it when the police called me. Why don't you tell me earlier?"
Emma's voice was very magnetic.
William couldn't help but start thinking wildly again.
In certain ambiguous moments, her unique voice can bring special excitement to William.
Immediately afterwards, William's heart felt as painful as it was stabbed by a needle.
Presumably, that wild man was also obsessed with Emma's voice!
At this moment, William even wanted to smash his phone into pieces.
How sweet was the relationship between Emma and him.
How angry he was now!
"Where are you? Talk!"
Emma's voice was obviously impatient.
Haha. William sneered in his heart.
In the past, the two of them were so sweet together, and Emma was also very patient with him.
Sure enough, times had changed.
He must tolerate it!
For the sake of his daughter, he must endure it!
For the sake of getting revenge on the two bitches, he must endure it!
Taking a deep breath to calm down his agitated mood, William said, "I'm downstairs."
"Don't go upstairs now. I'll find some clothes, and throw them down to you. Go to the bathhouse to take a bath first, so as not to bring home the bad luck from prison." It seemed that Emma realized that she was a little out of sorts, so she changed to a softer tone, "It's not about me, but for the sake of your daughter, you have to behave well! "
William gritted his teeth, paused for two seconds before replying, "Okay!"
Then hung up the phone.
In less than two minutes, a beautiful face appeared from the third floor.
It's Emma.
There were six or seven meters apart between them.
Their eyes were tangled together.
William felt a pain in his heart.
At that moment, Emma's expression was a little unnatural.
"Go wash up and come back quickly. Cook for us later!" Emma's eyes averted for a moment.
She then threw out a plastic bag.
And quickly shrank back.
The plastic bag fell to the ground with a muffled sound.
William felt that his heartbeat suddenly stopped.
Now, he couldn't go back home, and he had to cook for them later.
"Emma, I am really blind, but I only care about you with all my heart!"
William's heart seemed to be tightly grasped.
It hurt so much that he couldn't breathe.
After getting married, she was not even allowed to enter the kitchen.
As William was afraid that the fumes would damage her skin.
Even when he was exhausted after a long day at the company.
When he went back home, he would willingly serve Emma three meals a day.
Buying groceries, cooking, washing pots and dishes...
As long as William could do it, he could do it all.
Even the aunty in the neighborhood committee who had the most troubles praised William as a good husband.
William, when he was still in the company, he had more than 20 people under his control.
On weekdays, he also enjoyed the compliment, and was always surrounded by others.
But when he went home, he became a lesser man.
Wasn't it because he really loves Emma?
People will become humbled because of love.
And the one who gets love often doesn't know how to cherish it.
"It's ok. I will give you one more chance!" William muttered while he looked back at the window.
"But Emma, you only have one chance."
Taking his clothes, he walked towards the gate of the community.
He was the youngest executive in the company.
In prison, he was also a teacher admired by all the inmates.
From joining the work until now.
Everyone who has come into contact with William would give him a three-word evaluation.
He would talk manfully to people when he met them.
He would also talk nonsense when he met someone he was disgusted with.
William was definitely a good hand at uploading and issuing orders, mediating conflicts, accumulating customers, and developing projects.
According to the boss of his former company, William knew exactly what to do and when to do it, and was born to be around people.
He understood the importance and was resilient.
What's more valuable was that William had a kind heart.
However, if someone regarded this kindness as weakness.
Then, he would definitely taste the bitter fruit.
For now, William still retained the last glimmer of hope for Emma.
If Emma changed her mind, William was willing to continue living with her.
As for the assistant to the president of Faithview Group, he would never let him go!
No man can tolerate a green head.
Don't ever provoke a humble man.
If the man dared to sleep with my wife, he would dare to ruin his reputation.
He would get his revenge!
Only crazy revenge!
Only then could William's hatred be relieved.
He was an ex-convict.
The other party was an executive of a star company.
It seemed that there was no suspense about victory or defeat.
However, William understood in his heart.
No one was indestructible in society.
Sometimes, there was a thin line between strength and vulnerability.
As long as he could find the point to hit it off.
William made up his mind and felt at ease.
Opposite the community was actually a mid-range bathing club.
Here, no matter whether they were a boss, executive, or waiter, they all met with bare buttocks.
There was no distinction between status and profession.
Nor was there a chain of contempt.
There was no cell boss suddenly appearing to force you to give up the nozzle.
There was no need to worry about the identity of those who have been released from prison being known.
It would be easier to go home and face Emma.
William really didn’t know if he could hold it back!
He felt sick when he thought about Emma's deception.
Take things as they come.
Warm drops of water hit his head.
The lingering mist penetrated into the pores.
Blood circulation accelerated slightly.
It was rare for William to relax completely.
After taking a shower, he ordered a serious massage.
When the masseur came in, both of them were stunned.
"Simon? Why are you here?"
Simon looked ordinary in his early twenties.
He was a neighbor of William's parents.
Later, after his parents passed away, he and Samuel sold the house and never returned.
William didn't expect to meet Simon here.
During the massage, William learned that Simon's family was in debt, and his girlfriend also broke up with him.
He never went to college and could only work in a bathing center.
It was not a good job to wait tables, and Simon gets chastised by his guests all the time.

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