chapter 4 body of black ice

by Rihanna 19:31,Jan 17,2024

Time passes little by little.

Lorenzo Becky, who was sitting cross-legged, quickly mobilized the "Nine Turns of Stars" to swallow the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

That insignificant injury began to recover quickly after being transformed by spiritual energy. About half an hour later, the Dantian gradually filled up, and the body had fully recovered.

At this moment, a groan that was trying to be suppressed suddenly came from the side.

The sound was accompanied by extreme pain.

Lorenzo Becky even felt that the air around him seemed to be colder.

"what happened?"

Lorenzo Becky opened his eyes slightly confused.

However, the next moment, his expression changed.

Not far from him, he saw Cornelia Field, who was sitting there, curled up into a ball, her whole body trembling.

"Cornelia, are you... sick again?"

Lorenzo Becky was taken aback and hurried forward to ask.


As soon as his palm touched Cornelia Field's body, he couldn't help but retract.

"Oh no."

Lorenzo Becky frowned deeply.

Only then did he realize that Cornelia Field was suffering from typhoid fever. Her whole body was about to freeze into an ice man, and even her eyelashes were condensing with ice crystals.

The body was even colder.

"Why did you forget this? Damn it."

Self-blame appeared on Lorenzo Becky face.

But now, it was not the time to dwell on this. He used the energy in his body, endured the chill, put his palm against Cornelia Field forehead, and began to explore carefully.

Typhoid fever does exist...

However, Lorenzo Becky had never encountered such severe typhoid fever in his nine lives.

If it was really typhoid, Cornelia Field would have definitely become a dead person.

Something weird?

Almost instantly, he realized something was wrong.

His expression couldn't help but become weird.

"It turns out to be...a body of black ice? Moreover, it is an extremely rare innate black ice body, but it cannot be stimulated."

In the world of martial arts, in addition to ordinary warriors, there are also various geniuses.

Some of those legendary geniuses have strange and miraculous physiques and can be called the darlings of heaven.

For example, Lorenzo Becky’s Holy Body of Heaven in his previous life.

Another example is the Yuanwu Overlord Body, Pure Yang Spirit Body, Innate Sword Body, etc. that he has seen before.

People with these physiques are all the darlings of heaven. As long as they practice well, there is basically no bottleneck.

It can be said that every warrior with a special physique has... the qualifications of a great emperor.

But among these darlings of heaven, some have unique physiques that need to be stimulated for some reason.

If it cannot be activated, at least it will be inactive for the rest of its life and become a useless person.

In severe cases, they may suffer from serious illness and die prematurely.

Cornelia Field obviously belongs to the latter...

Now, her Xuan Bing physique was on the verge of a complete explosion.

According to the investigation just now, there is still a month at most. If it still cannot be activated, Cornelia will turn into an eternal ice sculpture and die.

"The body of black ice is one of the seven ancient spirit bodies. If it were in the previous life, it would not be too difficult for me to activate it for her, but right now..."

Lorenzo Becky frowned and pondered, his mind spinning rapidly.

"The easiest thing to do is undoubtedly to use the third-level spiritual grass... the Sun Flower to temporarily suppress it. As long as I can find the Sun Flower, I can keep her worry-free for three years. After I improve my cultivation, I will try to activate it for Cornelia. Spiritual body.”

There is no other way.

Lorenzo Becky's current cultivation level is too low and he cannot use many methods.

At present, all he can think of is this compromise method.

The Fierce Sun Flower is a third-level spiritual plant, which is also rare for Lorenzo Becky, who only has the ninth level of the Body Tempering Realm.


Luo City is located on the edge of the famous Demonic Beast Mountain Range in Tianwu Continent. There should be a chance to find it in the Demonic Beast Mountain Range.

As long as there is, then... there is still hope.

"The top priority is to keep Cornelia away from the cold first, otherwise the little girl won't be able to survive today."

Lorenzo Becky lifted Cornelia Field up from the ground, injected his own energy into her meridians, and forcibly began to suppress the mysterious cold energy erupting in her body.

Soon, half an hour passed.

Han Yang breathed out a sigh of relief and stopped the operation of the technique.

In his hand, there was a crystal clear ice bead that exuded a strong chill.

Although Cornelia Field was curled up in her arms, she was no longer shivering as before, but her body was still very cold.

His pale face was bloodless.

"We finally suppressed it, but it's hard to say if it will break out again. We have to hurry up and enter the Monster Mountain Range to look for the Sun Flower."

"However, condensing this Xuan Han Bead is an unexpected blessing. It can help me enter the bone forging realm as soon as possible."

Lorenzo Becky muttered to himself, put away the Xuanhan Pearl, then picked up Cornelia Field, who was in a coma, and was about to leave.

But at this moment, his expression changed slightly and his expression became cold.

Originally, the two of them could have escaped in time.

However, Lorenzo Becky treatment of his injuries and Cornelia Field suppression of Xuanhan's energy delayed him for about an hour, so that the Field Family warriors had already searched here.

According to Lorenzo Becky's perception, there were more than ten people approaching with eager eyes.

Fortunately for Lorenzo Becky, these people were all body-tempering warriors, and there were no bone-forging realm elders among them.

Then there is no need to escape.

"Haha, the dog man and woman are actually hiding here?"

"The Great Elder said that the brats were seriously injured. If they are captured, they will be rewarded heavily."

"Hehe... That bitch Cornelia Field was indifferent to us at first. Now she falls into our hands this time. How about..."


Amid a burst of arrogant and obscene laughter, more than a dozen people with ferocious faces rushed towards this side in groups of twos and threes.

"court death!"

Lorenzo Becky eyes were filled with murderous intent.

He had no intention of letting the Field Family go, not to mention, how dare these guys continue to talk dirty?

Gently putting Cornelia Field aside, Lorenzo Becky faced them directly, his whole aura changing drastically in an instant.

The group of warriors were obviously stunned for a moment.

It gave them the feeling that they were not facing a body-tempering warrior, but... a god.

A god who can kill them with just his gaze.



"Run away, devil..."

One after another, screams suddenly sounded in the forest.

Soon, calm returned.

After more than ten breaths, Lorenzo Becky, covered in blood, hugged Cornelia Field and left the place.

In this mountain forest, only a dozen corpses of the Field Family warriors were left...

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