chapter 13 woman's temptation

by Paciana 18:37,Jan 23,2024

Timber Ring ignored Trish Poorman, but was shocked that Frederica Poorman was actually saying such things.

Thinking about what he told Frederica Poorman today, it seemed that Frederica Poorman still had something in mind.

Timber Ring was very happy about this.

No matter what, Frederica Poorman gave him food and drink during his most difficult time and never asked him for anything in return.

Therefore, Timber Ring was more grateful to Frederica Poorman.

Trish Poorman hated Timber Ring now and wished Timber Ring would die. When she saw Timber Ring still standing there, her face turned red!

"Okay, if you don't leave, I'll leave!"Trish Poorman yelled and stomped the stairs to the rooftop.

The students behind followed Trish Poorman and coaxed her.

"Don't be angry, it's not for the sake of being a mute."

"That's right, this kind of person is not from the same world as us. So brother Itamar will be your host today and take you to do exciting things in the evening."

This brother Itamar seemed to speak with authority. As soon as he spoke, Trish Poorman, who had looked ugly just now, instantly turned red.

The people around him booed: "brother Itamar is still awesome, Trish will obey with just one word."

"As for the husband and wife, brother Itamar and Trish are the famous golden boys and girls in our school."

It is not uncommon for college students to fall in love. Nowadays, all nine-year compulsory students fall in love.

Timber Ring did not pay attention to their chat content, nor did he go to find Frederica Poorman.

Timber Ring felt that it would be better for Frederica Poorman to figure it out on her own.

After all, a mute loser can suddenly speak and suddenly has more than 100 million yuan.

This situation was really unbelievable to Frederica Poorman.

At this moment, Frederica Poorman locked the door and was sitting on the bed making a phone call.

The voice on the other end of the phone was full of doubts: "You said that mute can talk? And you said he earned 100 million?"

"It's impossible. That kid was a famous coward back then. If it weren't for his coward, you wouldn't have chosen him. So what should I do? Has he discovered what happened to you?"

Frederica Poorman frowned and was speechless to her best friend on the phone: "What I'm talking to you about now is not about me, but about whether that guy was lying to me before?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone: "Well, I don't think so. Who doesn't like others to scold themselves?"

Frederica Poorman nodded, too.

"That's only one possibility."

Frederica Poorman was stunned: "What's possible?"

"That's right, he's lying to you now!"

Frederica Poorman's eyes suddenly widened: "You mean, he cheated me and made 100 million yuan?"

"That's right, you can bring him to me tonight and I'll give you an address. Then you can test him and see if he's lying."

Frederica Poorman frowned: "Okay, give me the address."

After hanging up the phone, Frederica Poorman got out of bed and opened the door. She was relieved to find that Timber Ring was not outside, and then her eyes became a little complicated.

She really couldn't believe that a guy who knew nothing suddenly became a billionaire.

After going downstairs, Frederica Poorman found Timber Ring in the kitchen munching on bread.

"At eight o'clock in the evening, you go somewhere with me."

Timber Ring was stunned for a moment: "Where are you going?"

"If you want to go, just go. There's so much nonsense!"Frederica Poorman frowned and shouted coldly, twisted her waist and turned to leave.

Timber Ring swallowed the bread in his mouth and shook his head: "Why are women so angry?"

The younger ones are like this, the older ones are still like this, and even the older one in the family is like this.

Qin Li sighed, it's hard to be a human being, but it's even harder to be a man!

Knowing that he would go out with Frederica Poorman at eight o'clock in the evening, Timber Ring did not go out again and sat in the living room for an hour. When Frederica Poorman called him, he walked over.

"You drive."Frederica Poorman threw the keys to Timber Ring and sat comfortably in the back seat.

"Where to go?"

Frederica Poorman glanced at the address on her phone: "Huangtu Club in the city center."

Imperial picture?

It was the largest entertainment club in Yangcheng, with one of the best decorations. Most importantly, the consumption was not low.

Eighty percent of the people in Yangcheng fantasized that they could spend money like water at the Huangtu Club.

When Timber Ring was in college, many rich second generations brought their girlfriends there, so he knew a little about Huangtu.

But why did Frederica Poorman suddenly ask to go to Huangtu?

While thinking about it, the car was already on the highway.

It only took about twenty minutes to drive from home on the expressway. When they arrived, they parked the car and walked towards the gate of Huangtu.

Because Timber Ring didn't know what to do, he just handed him some sportswear. Frederica Poorman, on the other hand, wore a white strapless mermaid skirt, which covered her round buttocks and reached her calves.

Frederica Poorman's entire curves were outlined by this skirt, which was eye-catching.

Along the way, everyone who walked into the Huangtu Club had their eyes glued to Frederica Poorman's sight.

As Timber Ring walked beside Frederica Poorman, all he received were looks of disdain and disgust.

"Another cabbage is eaten by a pig."

A girl next to him shook his head, unwilling to even look at Timber Ring.

When Timber Ring heard this, he glanced at Frederica Poorman. In the past, Frederica Poorman always showed no expression on her face.

Today, Frederica Poorman face turned out to be a little ugly.

At this moment, a woman wearing a black short skirt walked out of the hall. She was about the same age as Frederica Poorman, and Timber Ring had also seen her.

It's one of Frederica Poorman's best friends, Bess Davis.

The daughter of a wealthy businessman in Yangcheng was a college classmate of Frederica Poorman, and the two had always had a good relationship.

But when he saw Bess Davis, Timber Ring heart suddenly rang with alarm bells.

In fact, Bess Davis was always full of crooked ideas. Timber Ring had been teased by this woman several times before he spoke.

Even Frederica Poorman's suitors were driven away by this woman.

Today Frederica Poorman brought him to see Bess Davis. Could it be that this woman was thinking of ways to punish him?

"It's been a long time since I saw Frederica, she's still so beautiful."Bess Davis put his arms around Frederica Poorman's waist and then looked at Timber Ring.

But at this moment, Timber Ring eyes fell on Frederica Poorman's waist. When he didn't know Frederica Poorman orientation before, he didn't feel anything.

Now I can't help but think, how did this woman and this woman... come to be?

"Look!"Bess Davis glared at Timber Ring, "I am playing with Frederica today, so just do the logistics."

Timber Ring said nothing, and Bess Davis was used to this. He pulled Frederica Poorman towards the elevator.

"There is a venue on the top floor of this imperial map. I will take you to see it for a long time. You must have never seen it before. I only knew about it after my brother took me there once."

Bess Davis said and looked at Timber Ring: "I'm taking advantage of you."

Timber Ring was confused, what are you doing to me?

The top floor is a hall the size of a football field. The floor of the hall is not made of floor tiles, but made of marble.

On top of the marble, a layer of tempered glass is added.

Qin Lizheng was wondering why the ground looked like this. When he looked up and saw the people coming and going in the hall and a large pile of stones in the distance, he suddenly understood.

The top floor of the Huangtu Club turned out to be a large stone gambling venue!

And the stones piled together are all original stones.

He glanced at Bess Davis strangely, what was this woman doing bringing Frederica Poorman here? As far as he knew, neither Bess Davis nor Frederica Poorman knew how to gamble on stones.

Timber Ring didn't know that Bess Davis was chatting with Frederica Poorman on his mobile phone at this moment.

Bess Davis: "This is the largest stone gambling venue in Yangcheng. The stones inside range from a few hundred stones to hundreds of thousands and millions. Just leave the matter to me later!"

"Is it too much?"Frederica Poorman still couldn't bear it. After all, Timber Ring had been her shield for more than a day or two.

"Beheading is not an exaggerated crime for deceiving the emperor. Why do you feel bad for a loser? There are so many good men, but you don't want them. This loser can talk, and your affairs are very likely to be exposed. It's better to test now to find out what he is. Are I sincere to you?"

"If he is really a liar, just divorce him without saying a word!"

Frederica Poorman thought about it and nodded immediately.

Bess Davis smiled slightly and dragged Frederica Poorman towards the pile of original rocks. Timber Ring followed him while watching.

"Wow, Frederica, look at this stone. The window has been opened. It's so green."Bess Davis pointed to the stone not far away that was surrounded by many people.

The stone was about one and a half meters high, half a meter wide, and had a window twenty centimeters in diameter.

All of them are glass green. For such a big stone, if all of them were made of glass, they would be really profitable.

Bess Davis looked at the price tag, five hundred thousand.

"That's it?"Bess Davis gestured towards Frederica Poorman.

"Just watch."Frederica Poorman didn't understand.

"Okay."Bess Davis waved to Timber Ring, "Hey, come here, your Frederica has taken a liking to this stone, buy it for her."

Timber Ring walked over and looked at the stone carefully.

Bess Davis thought Qin Li would refuse directly, but he didn't expect Timber Ring to actually take a look. Is it possible that Qin Li is really prosperous?

But the next moment, Timber Ring shook his head: "The surface of this stone is all covered with mosaic. Although there is a high possibility of green inside, there is no green inside. After buying it, you will not make a profit but only a loss."

Bess Davis frowned, with doubts in his eyes.

Will Timber Ring still bet on stones? She looked at Frederica Poorman suspiciously and found that Frederica Poorman was also confused.

At that moment , Bess Davis sneered in his heart, not knowing how to pretend to understand. It seemed that Timber Ring was deceiving Frederica Poorman!

Bess Davis opened his mouth to expose Timber Ring, but Timber Ring said: "If you like it, just choose someone else. There is no need to choose someone who can't cut anything."

Bess Davis was confused again. Could it be that she had guessed wrong?

But when she turned around, she saw Timber Ring squatting in front of a pile of fist-sized stones, picking at them!

Suddenly, Bess Davis felt angry.

"Timber Ring, just tell me you don't have money, and then you go and get those hundreds of yuan gadgets to fool Frederica!"

"There are so many people here looking at such a big stone, and you actually say you can't cut it green! Why didn't you say you have no money?"

"I think you are a big liar!".

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