by Sakz Hussain 11:28,Oct 10,2020

As I'm leaving school, I notice a group of girls surrounding Tori and it doesn't exactly look friendly. I frown, standing back as I study the girls.
"Melissa, Kate and co," I mumble, narrowing my eyes at them. Melissa and Kate are twin sisters, both of them equally as popular as the other. Their co is the little group of desperate popular wannabe's that constantly run after them. I notice Melissa and Kate take a threatening step towards Tori, flipping their ashy blonde hair over their shoulders.
I slowly begin to walk towards them, straining to make out their conversation. Tori's face is contorted with anger as she argues back with them, two little pink blotches covering her cheeks. 
"Get away from me now before I rip the extensions out of both of your heads!"
Melissa and Kate turn to face each other, letting out a childish giggle in unison. The way they are both in sync so often is creepy.
"Don't worry, we want to get away from you," Melissa smirks, briefly turning towards Kate.
"Wouldn't want to catch your gay germs, that would be the worst." Kate says dramatically, rolling her eyes. I grit my teeth, coming to a decision that I've heard enough. Melissa and Kate spin around as they hear me stomping up to them, fire burning in my eyes.
"What the fuck did you just say to her? Are you seriously being homophobic to my best friend?" I yell at them, narrowing my eyes.
Melissa and Kate's eyes widen in fear and their little group take a step back away from them, shying away.
"We didn't say anything!" Kate yells, holding her hands up defensively. Beside me, Tori let's out a scoff, her hand on her hip.
"Are you seriously going to play the victim card right now?" Tori snaps angrily. I can feel myself growing more impatient and I take another step towards them, wanting to rip off their heads.
"Stay away from her or I swear to god, I will make you regret you were both ever born." I hiss, the adrenaline from slapping Austin was still cursing through my blood.
"What is it with assholes today? Are they purposely trying to turn me crazy?" I ask Tori, my voice raising. Melissa and Kate grab each other's hands before scurrying away, disappearing from sight. Tori raises an eyebrow at me, placing a hand on my bare arm.
"Ruby, calm down."
"Calm down?" I ask her, my heart thumping against my chest.
"I don't think I can calm down. I've just punched Austin because he's a man whore and now my best friend is the victim of homophobia! All in the space of ten minutes! I really don't think I can calm down!" I say, breathing deeply.
"Ruby, you know what your parents said. Breathe deeply, think happy thoughts. Don't blow your top, teachers are watching." Tori says to me firmly, looking into my eyes. I squeeze my eyes shut tightly and force myself to breathe deep, subsiding the anger growing inside of my body.
"Thank you for sticking up for me," Tori says quietly, her eyes dropping to the floor. The urge to punch both of them increases as I see the pain flash across Tori's face. Only for a brief second.
"Next time, you smash both of their heads together, got it?" I say to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. She nods quietly before smirking, her usual confident personality shining through once again.
"They both looked so scared once they saw you, its a great benefit having you as my best friend. Now tell my why you punched Austin? Do I need to inflict some pain on him too?"
I open my mouth to reply when a hand is wrapped firmly around the top of my arm, pulling me away from Tori. I snap my head to the right and come face to face with Principal Hurst.

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